I. "Scooter" Libby guilty.
In other left wing reality media:
Today The goddess, aka Randi Rhodes reads Congressional PDF and makes it sound riveting! But I'm just going to crib the part where the defective reveals the crime to all! Read the full .pdf here
In Sept. '04 the army determined that the in-house federal workforce at Walter Reed could perform support services at Walter Reed at a lower cost then the bid received from IAP worldwide Services. IAP protested this determination. As a result of the protest the army Audit Agency was directed to reevaluate the bid from the federal employees. It has been reported that the Army Audit Agency with drew its certification of the employee bid and unilaterally raised the bid by $7 million, thereby making the employee bid higher than the contractor bid. The Army then reversed its determination and resolved the A-76 process in favor of IAP.
Neat huh? Not only did this goniff ruin the crucial medical care our wounded troops required but he also screwed the good working people who had been and would have continued to do this, out of the very jobs that they would have provided for less tax dollars!
Should we be surprised at this level of injustice, cronyism, waste and fraud or should we be so used to the antics of the Bush crime family that we just take this in stride?
Hey speaking to conserve-abots who used to like bandying about the lie that Valie Plame's relationship with the CIA wasn't secret well turns out... Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald said:
...that despite reports in conservative media and Web site to the contrary, he was "100%" certain that Valerie Plame was in a "classified" position with the CIA when her name was leaked, although this was not an issue in the trial. He repeated that this was even in the original indictment. "That is just a fact," he declared.
Scooter lies, At Walter Reed our soldiers suffer and may die but all that consumes American media is who on American Idol gets naked for the "interwbes", sigh.
My hour is over, I give you the next 23, use them not for evil but only for good!
End of line. -The MCP.
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